
Sunday, December 11, 2016

Edge books as revisionist westerns?

I've read a couple of the later Edge series western books over the years and I'm thinking about reading some of the earlier ones. This post suggests some revisionist characteristics in the Edge series. Having not read enough of them yet, this doesn't feel like the best comparison, but as I read more of them I'll keep an open mind to the possibility. I'm intrigued to look at the books through that lens. The post also attempts to draw some broad parallels between the western genre and the fantasy genre.
Edge is billed as a "new kind of Western hero" - a self-consciously revisionist approach to the John Ford / Zane Grey tradition.

True West Magazine's Best of the West books article

One of the questions I think about is the state of the modern western: whether it is dead, dying, or doing just fine. The annual Best of the West article from True West magazine suggests doing just fine. As per usual some of these non-fiction titles jump out at me the most but I'll be looking into some of the fictions ones as well.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Gunsmoke radio show

Been listening to Gunsmoke the OTR show. I've been really surprised at how great the show is. The storylines are dark and have a psychological depth to them. I think I prefer them, so far, to the episodes I've watched over the years (I've never watched the entire series). The radio show episodes are widely available. Here they are at the internet archive. Each episode is timed well for my drive to and from work so they are perfect for the car. Highly recommended.

The Picadilly Cowboys

Paul Bishop has an informative post on The Picadilly Cowboys, a group of seven UK writers who wrote western series novels starting in the 70's. They really are their own sub-genre. Remember the series names and grab a couple next time you see them at a thrift or used book store.